in package
Class FileMakerLayout is the proxy of layout in FileMaker database.
The object of this class is going to be generated by the FMDataAPI class, and you shouldn't call the constructor of this class.
Table of Contents
- create() : int|null
- Create a record on the target layout of the FileMaker database.
- delete() : void
- Delete the record.
- duplicate() : void
- Duplicate the record.
- endCommunication() : void
- Finish a transaction which is a serial calling of any database operations, and logout.
- getDebugInfo() : string
- Get debug information includes internal request URL and request body.
- getMetadata() : object|null|bool
- Get metadata information of the layout.
- getMetadataOld() : object|null|bool
- Get the metadata information of the layout. Until ver.16 this method was 'getMetadata'.
- getRecord() : FileMakerRelation|null
- Query to the FileMaker Database with recordId special field and returns the result as FileMakerRelation object.
- getScriptError() : int|null
- Get the script error code.
- getScriptErrorPrerequest() : int|null
- Get the prerequest script error code.
- getScriptErrorPresort() : int|null
- Get the presort script error code.
- getScriptResult() : string|null
- Get the return value from the script.
- getScriptResultPrerequest() : string|null
- Get the return value from the prerequest script.
- getScriptResultPresort() : string|null
- Get the return value from the presort script.
- query() : FileMakerRelation|null
- Query to the FileMaker Database and returns the result as FileMakerRelation object.
- setGlobalField() : void
- Set the value to the global field.
- startCommunication() : void
- Start a transaction which is a serial calling of any database operations, and login with the target layout.
- update() : void
- Update fields in one record.
- uploadFile() : void
- Upload the file into container filed.
Create a record on the target layout of the FileMaker database.
create([array<string|int, mixed>|null $data = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $portal = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $script = null ]) : int|null
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Associated array contains the initial values. Keys are field names and values is these initial values.
- $portal : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Associated array contains the modifying values in the portal. Ex.: {"<PortalName>"=>{"<FieldName>"=>"<Value>"...}}. FieldName has to "<TOCName>::<FieldName>".
- $script : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
scripts that should execute the right timings. See FileMakerRelation::query().
Return values
int|null —The recordId of created record. If the returned value is an integer larger than 0, it shows one record was created.
Delete the record.
delete(int|null $recordId[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $script = null ]) : void
- $recordId : int|null
The valid recordId value to delete.
- $script : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
scripts that should execute the right timings. See FileMakerRelation::query().
Duplicate the record.
duplicate(int|null $recordId[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $script = null ]) : void
- $recordId : int|null
The valid recordId value to duplicate.
- $script : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
scripts that should execute the right timings. See FileMakerRelation::query().
Finish a transaction which is a serial calling of any database operations, and logout.
endCommunication() : void
Get debug information includes internal request URL and request body.
getDebugInfo() : string
Return values
Get metadata information of the layout.
getMetadata() : object|null|bool
Return values
object|null|bool —The metadata information of the layout. It has 3 properties 'fieldMetaData', 'portalMetaData' and 'valueLists'. The later one has properties having portal object name of TO name. The array of the field information is set under 'fieldMetaData' and the portal named properties. Ex.: {"fieldMetaData": [{"name": "id","type": "normal","displayType": "editText","result": "number","global": false, "autoEnter": true,"fourDigitYear": false,"maxRepeat": 1,"maxCharacters": 0,"notEmpty": false,"numeric": false, "timeOfDay": false,"repetitionStart": 1,"repetitionEnd": 1},....,],"portalMetaData": {"Contact": [{ "name": "contact_to::id","type": "normal",...},...], "history_to": [{"name": "history_to::id","type": "normal", ...}...]}
Get the metadata information of the layout. Until ver.16 this method was 'getMetadata'.
getMetadataOld() : object|null|bool
Return values
object|null|bool —The metadata information of the layout. It has just 1 property 'metaData' the array of the field information is set under the 'metaData' property. There is no information about portals. Ex.: {"metaData": [{"name": "id","type": "normal","result": "number","global": "false","repetitions": 1,"id": "1"}, {"name": "name","type": "normal","result": "text","global": "false","repetitions": 1,"id": "2"},....,]}
Query to the FileMaker Database with recordId special field and returns the result as FileMakerRelation object.
getRecord(int|null $recordId[, array<string|int, mixed>|null $portal = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $script = null ]) : FileMakerRelation|null
- $recordId : int|null
The recordId.
- $portal : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
See the query() method's same parameter.
- $script : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
scripts that should execute the right timings. See FileMakerRelation::query().
Return values
FileMakerRelation|null —Query result.
Get the script error code.
getScriptError() : int|null
Return values
int|null —The value of the error code. If any script wasn't called, returns null.
Get the prerequest script error code.
getScriptErrorPrerequest() : int|null
Return values
int|null —The value of the error code. If any script wasn't called, returns null.
Get the presort script error code.
getScriptErrorPresort() : int|null
Return values
int|null —The value of the error code. If any script wasn't called, returns null.
Get the return value from the script.
getScriptResult() : string|null
Return values
string|null —The return value from the script. If any script wasn't called, returns null.
Get the return value from the prerequest script.
getScriptResultPrerequest() : string|null
Return values
string|null —The return value from the prerequest script. If any script wasn't called, returns null.
Get the return value from the presort script.
getScriptResultPresort() : string|null
Return values
string|null —The return value from the presort script. If any script wasn't called, returns null.
Query to the FileMaker Database and returns the result as FileMakerRelation object.
query([array<string|int, mixed>|null $condition = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $sort = null ][, int $offset = 0 ][, int $range = 0 ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $portal = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $script = null ]) : FileMakerRelation|null
- $condition : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
The array of associated array which has a field name and "omit" keys as like: array(array("FamilyName"=>"Nii*", "Country"=>"Japan")). In this example of apply the AND operation for two fields, and "FamilyName" and "Country" are field name. The value can contain the operator: =, ==, !, <, ≤ or <=, >, ≥ or >=, ..., //, ?, @, #, , , "", ~. If you want to apply the OR operation, describe array of array as like: array(array("FamilyName"=>"Nii"), array("Country"=>"Japan")). If you want to omit record match with condition set the "omit" element as like: array("FamilyName"=>"Nii*", "omit"=>"true"). If you want to query all records in the layout, set the first parameter to null.
- $sort : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
The array of array which has 2 elements as a field name and order key: array(array("FamilyName", "ascend"), array("GivenName", "descend")). The value of order key can be 'ascend', 'descend' or value list name. The default value is 'ascend'.
- $offset : int = 0
The start number of the record set, and the first record is 1, but the number 0 queries from the first record. The default value is 0.
- $range : int = 0
The number of records contains in the result record set. The default value is 100.
- $portal : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
The array of the portal's object names. The query result is going to contain portals specified in this parameter. If you want to include all portals, set it null or omit it. Simple case is array('portal1', portal2'), and just includes two portals named 'portal1' and 'portal2' in the query result. If you set the range of records to a portal, you have to build an associated array as like: array('portal1' => array('offset'=>1,'limit'=>5), 'portal2' => null). The record 1 to 5 of portal1 include the query result, and also all records in portal2 do.
- $script : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
scripts that should execute the right timings. The most understandable description is an associated array with API's keywords "script", "script.param", "script.prerequest", "script.prerequest.param", "script.presort", "script.presort.param", "layout.response." These keywords have to be a key, and the value is script name or script parameter, ex. {"script"=>"StartingOver", "script.param"=>"344|21|abcd"}. If $script is array with one element, it's handled as the value of "script." If $script is array with two elements, these are handled as values of "script" and "layout.response." If it's three elements, these are "script", "script.param" and "layout.response." If it's four elements, these are "script.prerequest", "script.presort", "script" and "layout.response."
Return values
FileMakerRelation|null —Query result.
Set the value to the global field.
setGlobalField(array<string|int, mixed> $fields) : void
- $fields : array<string|int, mixed>
The Associated array contains the global field names and its values. Keys are global field names and values is these values.
Start a transaction which is a serial calling of any database operations, and login with the target layout.
startCommunication() : void
Update fields in one record.
update(int|null $recordId, array<string|int, mixed>|null $data[, int $modId = -1 ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $portal = null ][, array<string|int, mixed>|null $script = null ]) : void
- $recordId : int|null
The valid recordId value to update.
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Associated array contains the modifying values. Keys are field names and values is these initial values.
- $modId : int = -1
The modId to allow updating. This parameter is for detect to modifying other users. If you omit this parameter, update operation does not care the value of modId special field.
- $portal : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
Associated array contains the modifying values in the portal. Ex.: {"<PortalName>"=>{"<FieldName>"=>"<Value>", "recordId"=>"12"}}. FieldName has to "<TOCName>::<FieldName>". The recordId key specifiy the record to edit in portal.
- $script : array<string|int, mixed>|null = null
scripts that should execute the right timings. See FileMakerRelation::query().
Upload the file into container filed.
uploadFile(string $filePath, int|null $recordId, string $containerFieldName[, int|null $containerFieldRepetition = null ][, string|null $fileName = null ]) : void
- $filePath : string
The file path to upload.
- $recordId : int|null
The Record ID of the record.
- $containerFieldName : string
The field name of container field.
- $containerFieldRepetition : int|null = null
In the case of repetiton field, this has to be the number from 1. If omitted this, the number "1" is going to be specified.
- $fileName : string|null = null
Another file name for uploading file. If omitted, the original file name is chosen.